Monday, December 6, 2010

wishlist #2

this shirt :)

a polaroid camera so i can have
my very own picture wall

him <3 


Fashion Cappuccino said...

Oh Yes, I want my bedroom to look like that too!! And that cute model is Francisco from Brazil! Too cute! xoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

1st photo is so gorgeous!

charlotte said...

im so jelous of polaroid pictures
im thinking of doing a wall similiar with postit notes, but im going to have to work out a way for them not to fall down,

if your still up for becoming pen pals :)
give me an email so, i can send you a letter first? xxx

charlotte said...

ohh, plus, that guy is gorgeous, who is he?, i know right i dont know but yeah :) xx

lindsay said...

hey girl! :) i love that shirt and think it would be lovely on you...and like you i want a polaroid camera so bad...wouldn't a photo wall be so fun?!? and yes that boy is pretty handsome!!
