Sunday, November 21, 2010

don't forget to live

I was flipping through the pages of those little books they have near "hallmark type" things today when Kelcy and I were looking for a thank you note for the COO of Oregano's.  I don't remember the title of the little memento gift, but I did take a picture of one of the quotes that I fell in love with.  I feel like it pertains to my life because I am always looking forward to the future, when I really need to start being excited about the present.

"First I was dying to finish high school and start college,
And then I was dying to finish college and start working,
And then I was dying to marry and have children,
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough
so I could get back to my career.
And then I was dying to retire,
And now I am dying...
and suddenly realize that I forgot to live."
--author unknown


Paige Gruner said...

I love this, I feel like I'm the same way sometimes.

The Everyday Grace said...

I absolutely love this quote. Thanks for the reminder Brooke :) love you.

Anonymous said...

this picture is so beautiful!! thank you for this. i like how you put in bold the part that i'm at right now. now i feel like i need to do some rethinking of things :)

you always have the best tidbits of inspiration!

Unknown said...

Wow. I like this a lot. It is so true! You really need to pause and live life to the fullest or it'll pass you by!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Wonderful, both the quote and the image. I just love that image.

Brooke T said...

I love this quote!! It's awesome :D